Thursday, 27 December 2018

Don’t Deny Yourself the Life Blaming your Destiny..

Does this difference in the lives of human beings arise due to what the East calls Karma and the West calls the Golden Rule and Justice. The Karma theory says, ‘What goes around comes around’ and ‘What you give is what you get’. How do we explain this
These are works of nature. I do not wish to enter into the spiritual dilemmas of the Karma theory. Let me make it simple. Though growing on the same earth and same soil, two plants from the same mother plant have different characteristics. Even if the seed of the same plant is sown with the same fertilizer and the same water, there will still be some difference between them. Water is not the same H2O everywhere. The same paddy seed grown in the waters of Godavari produces a different grain when nourished with the waters of Kaveri or Narmada or Ganges given the same soil and inputs. Water is the main ingredient for the paddy crop. So for man: the way one absorbs the same knowledge from the same teacher and same parents and the way one assimilates and utilizes it, is what distinguishes one person from the other. A living thing is not a plastic piece of mass production. A living thing goes through changes from time to time. These are works of nature. These are nature’s wonders.
Man is made by his own beliefs. ‘As he believes, so is he.’ (Bhagvat Gita). The same is stated in the West in different words – ‘What a man thinks of himself: that is what determines, or rather indicates his fate.’ (Henry David Thoreau). Unless you perceive yourself to be worth, you cannot achieve.
Two men look through the prison bars. One sees the mud, the other sees stars. Your thoughts are the architect of your destiny. A positive mind emits harmonious waves of thoughts, a negative mind sends out discordant thoughts.
The lock is outside the prison while the lock is inside the house for many. It is ‘thoughts’ that lock you in. When you want to reach the top of a mountain, your attention should be focused at it even when you cross the foot of the hill. If you get irritated by the garbage at the foothill your focus is not on reaching the top of the mountain
Your Attitude determines your altitude
The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of the mind. It is 85% attitude; the rest covers knowledge, facts and figures. Everyone has talent. Everyone on the planet is a wonder of the world! Everyone has the potential for extraordinary achievement! Even the great wonders of the world were built block by block, one day at a time. Small achievements lead to great victories. Positive habits create results. Opportunity is under one’s feet. We do not have to keep brooding that we are less fortunate. All we need is to recognize the opportunity.
Many a time, people complain of noise without knowing that it is actually opportunity that is knocking at the door. They recognize the opportunities only when these are leaving rather than when these are coming. It is similar to the story of a person having diamonds buried deep in his own land which he sold and then searched for the diamonds everywhere else and then blamed his fate when he couldn’t find them. This is life. We need to build a positive attitude rather than complain about temporary stress and uncertainties of change. We dig the gold mine for gold and not dust. We dig the land deep, unmindful of the dust but focusing on gold.

How do we know that there is gold if we keep on collecting the dust? Till when do we keep digging? Will we not lose our patience at some time? Can we keep digging the dust till the end of our life?
My worry is for those who put in their best efforts but do not succeed. We all talk about heroes who are less than 1% of the global population. There are so many unsung heroes in history who toiled but never found glory. They never made it big in the world. What is their sin? They tried in earnest and even worked hard, but did not make it big.
Many were born to win but conditioned to lose. If an eagle’s egg is placed in the nest of a chicken, the eagle will grow thinking it is a chicken. The conditioning of the mind is catastrophe for many. If you don’t try you will never know. You may be disappointed if you fail, but you will be doomed if you don’t try (Beverly Hills). Most people give up at the last minute, just a foot from a winning touchdown. Count your blessings, not your troubles as many of our blessings are hidden treasures. The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed as Lloyd Jones once said.
What we do to chase our goals?
Galileo Galilei is famous for having said ‘You cannot teach a man anything — you can only help him to discover it himself’. Whether a man makes it or not is a matter of his application. Nobody can do it for him.
Let me state a few tips for you to discover yourself: Realising your dream will be based on your awakening.
- Great minds have purposes; others have wishes – be a man of purpose.
- The quality of a man’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of expertise; hence he has to remain committed.
- The only limit to our realization tomorrow will be our doubts of today (Franklin D. Roosevelt). Hence don’t doubt your own self, learn to be positive.
- When you want success as intensely as you want air under water, then you will have it (Socrates). Therefore be focused on your success.
- Bernard Shaw says ‘Some men see things as they are and say ‘Why?’ I dream of things that never were and say, ‘Why not?’. Be a person with unceasing intellectual curiosity.
- What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us (Oliver Holmes). Hence look inwards and realize yourself.
- Life is strife, if you rest you rust, if you rust you wear out. So shed your laziness.
- The only limits on your life are those that you set for yourself. Hence you should come out of your comfort zone and explore the unknown.
- Interest, Enthusiasm, Positive, Optimistic and Co-operative attitude will take you to dizzying heights.
- Keep trying without slack or being half-hearted.
- Abundance of will power and discipline offer you the inner power to achieve.
- God has put, for example, inside the sugarcane - both juice and energy. The sweet sugar-based juice provides tremendous energy to man and when the juice is sucked out, the cane still leaves bagasse – which is capable of generating energy of different kind. It is man who has to bring the energy out of the sugarcane. The same way God has put enough energy into the man and he has to bring the best out.
- The uniqueness of each individual has to be recognized. You cannot live the other man’s life. Your life should be based on your own uniqueness. You cannot live like the cat that applied hot strips to its body to aquire stripes to look like a tiger – the cat never became a tiger. Do not try to live like others, be yourself. Live your life.
Take these tips and discover your own inner self. No one can teach you how to reach your goals , but they can only enable you to reach them yourself. You should attempt to do so.
Your awakening is a matter of your own inner engineering..
Finally i can only request you ..
“Don’t Deny Yourself the Life Blaming your Destiny”
God bless 


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