Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Leaders realize the ideal, the followers idealize the real’. Do you want to be a leader or follower?

The so-called philosophical mind automatically comes to you as the biological clock ticks. Is it right?I read somewhere that our life span can be divided into these phases:


I disagree here. We are being over-simplistic in everything that we see. Your ethics &. values are not driven by a biological clock. Ramana maharishi threw the ten rupees on his hand and bacame a saint at the age of fourteen. Even at a very young age, Gandhi struck to the set of values that he believed in. He never lied in his legal profession just to mint money. He did not pursue conviction towards values only in later stages of his life. He stuck to his values throughout his life.

Ordinary people come together to do extraordinary things.

Gandhi was born as an ordinary person;He ended up doing so much and changed the world just by the power of his ethics & values . For him, the truth is his God and non-violence is the means of realizing Him. In the words of Napolean Hill, “A person is judged not by what he knows but what he does”. Hence it is not the extraordinary knowledge of a superman but exemplary conduct of an ordinary man that gives the leadership

The countless inventions of Edison, the comic genius of Charlie Chaplin, the magic of boundless compassion of Mother Teresa, the charisma of Mahatma Gandhi — all of them seem awe-inspiring to us. Yet to the leaders themselves their action was spontaneous and a natural expression.”

Leaders realize the ideal, the followers idealize the real’. Do you want to be a leader or follower? The call is yours.


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