Saturday 2 February 2013

Corporate Lessons from Mythology - 3

Corporate Lessons from Ancient Indian Sastras

The Upanishads do not demand that one should live a life of poverty and renunciation. Artha (wealth) and Kama (Desires) have to conform to Dharma (righteous conduct).

The set of principles for the conduct of the man to attain happens is called ‘Sanatana Dharma’. These texts refer to a certain divinity or energy. The energy takes various forms in the Hindu mythology in the context of the specific tasks.

The science of Yogas gives four margas (paths) to attain the ultimate. The Jana Marga (intellectual route) is to enable a manager what is to be done and why it is to be done.

The Bakthi Marga (the devotional route) comes next. Having understood the goals, the manager has to faithfully proceed to implement them. Then comes the Karma Yoga (the activity route), the manager has to keep doing the work, having accepted the task. He has to do the worknot because it benefits him in any manner, but because he has to consider it his duty to to.

Then comes the Raja Yoga (Linking strategy to action with values). This involves focus on the long term concern of the stakeholders.

The Indian tradition brings out three basic qualities of a man “Sattva”, “rajas” and “tamas”.  “Sattra” represents unstained vision, unattached approach, balanced emotions,enthusiastic energy, calm and spiritual mind. “Tamas” is at the extreme end of these virtues,while “Rajas” fall between the two.

The management is the art of synergizing the strengths of these people and to strengthen the “Sattvie” nature of the people.

The concept of Karma is that one’s action determines one’s future. It is an eternal law that works out automatically and immediately. The Indian tradition suggests that every person should take responsibility for himself.

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